Star: A mass of gas, mainly hydrogen, that produces nuclear reactions in its interior that transform hydrogen in helium. It releases large amounts of energy, which gives the star light.
Planetary system: A group of objects that orbit a star; including planets, satellites, asteroids, dust, dwarf planets and comets.
Nebula: A cloud of dust and gas, mainly hydrogen, that is the result of an explosion produced by a star at the end of its life. New stars are formed here.
Black hole: An area of space where a great concentration of mass occurs, which contracts under its own gravity until its matter collapses (gravitational collapse). This makes its gravitational attraction so great that nothing that enters it can escape, not even light.
Dark matter: Scientists believe the mass of the galaxies is five times more than what it should be, if we only calculate the objects it contains. The remaining matter is detected, but not seen, so it is called ‘dark matter'.